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Why try one essential oil when you can have a bouquet of three or four all organic and pure!
Founded in 1989, Amrita is a family-owned, family-friendly manufacturer that specializes in organic essential oils of the highest purity. Amrita is known for its high purity standards and holistic healing approach not found in other suppliers. In addition to organic farming and wildcrafted growing standards, the evaluation of the holistic vibrational quality and scent are a core element in sourcing essential oils and other ingredients. All 140 essential oils have been tested for purity using gas chromatography and other tests.
Dr. Streicher
Dr. Christoph Streicher, owner and founder, has a Master's Degree in Biochemistry from the University of Wüerzburg and a Ph.D. in Physiology from Maharishi University of Management where he studied the relationship of plant life to human consciousness. He was mentored by Jacques Paltz of France, a world-renowned authority on the use of essential oils for both healing and personal skin care.
Studying also with a number of well-known Indian Ayurvedic physicians, Dr. Streicher learned the time-tested therapeutic use of essential oils for increasing vitality and balance. (Ayurveda is the 5,000-year-old Vedic medical science that regards physiological balance as the basis of perfect health). Dr. Streicher’s training and expertise allow him to create unique healing blends and products that address the whole person—physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. He also advocates a spiritual connection to the plant world.
Dr. Streicher uses his expertise and knowledge of Ayurveda to create healing remedies and skin care products not available elsewhere. As Dr. Streicher explains, "The essential oil is the concentrated intelligence of the healing force in the plant--75 to 100 times more powerful than dried herbs. There are molecular structures in the body that correspond to that of the oils so their intelligence can be used for healing." Also, the vibrational qualities of organic oils are much stronger, making them more therapeutic and excellent for healing.
For an essential oil to be therapeutically useful, it must be of a very high quality.
Amrita ensures the purity of essential oils and products for the maximum healing benefit based on these principles, making sure each oils is as close to nature’s molecular structure as possible.
Time tested methods have made Amrita a top supplier worldwide of manufactures who trust the purity of each product. In 2001, Amrita became the first essential oil company in the United States to make the transition into carrying certified organic essential oils. Other companies offered certified organic EOs at that time as well but were not certified as a company themselves.
Dr. Streicher continues to travel the world and find the best sources from organic and wildcrafted growers. As a bonus, organic and wildcrafted certification makes sure plants are not over harvested, ensuring the sustainability of that particular ecosystem. The ecologically ethical oils come from growers that use no pesticides or artificial fertilizers. The conventionally farmed oils are selected from conventional farms after careful screening and decades of working together with the cultivators.