​Advice from Dr. Streicher: How to Find Mental Clarity while You are at School

​Advice from Dr. Streicher: How to Find Mental Clarity while You are at School

Sep 3rd 2024

Posted by Dr. Christoph Streicher and Chloe T.

As you and your children transition back to school, it’s natural to worry about challenges like lack of focus, anxiety, and wandering thoughts. But you can stay ahead of these issues with Amrita’s Mental Accelerator and Mental Energizer, a focus-enhancing essential oil blend. Amrita understands that every child has different needs, so they offer a wide range of options to support mental clarity and concentration naturally.

Whether you prefer an ingestible blend to start the day on the right foot, a convenient roll-on for quick, on-the-go relief, or a diffuser blend to create a focused and calming environment at home, Amrita has something for everyone. These carefully crafted blends not only help your children find focus but also empower them to maintain it throughout the day, ensuring they stay grounded and confident no matter what school throws their way.*

Focus your mind from the inside: Mental Accelerator Tri-Essence® Power Blend

Click here to learn more about Mental Accelerator

Amrita’s Mental Accelerator Tri-Essence® Power Blend is a powerful, ingestible blend crafted to boost circulation and enhance cognitive function by increasing blood flow and oxygen to the brain.* This infusion of oxygen helps you maintain focus and mental clarity for extended periods, making it easier to stay sharp and alert throughout the day.* Designed for those who may have sensitive skin or a heightened sense of smell, Mental Accelerator offers all the benefits of essential oils without the need for topical application or diffusion.* Simply add 30-50 drops to water and take it 3-5 times daily as needed to experience its full effects.*

Mental Accelerator supports brain function on three distinct levels: physical, emotional, and spiritual.* Physically, it stimulates the brain, increases energy, and reduces fatigue, making it easier to concentrate and stay productive.* Emotionally, it helps alleviate anxiety, refreshes the mind, and restores energy, providing a calming effect that supports emotional balance.* On a spiritual level, it activates inner wakefulness, enhances mental clarity, and increases buoyancy, helping you to stay grounded and mindful in the face of stress and challenges.*

Drawing from the wisdom of Chinese (liú tōng) and Ayurveda (vyana vayu) medicines, this blend harnesses botanicals that enliven the body's inner energy sources, promoting healthy circulation and mental vitality.* The plants used in Mental Accelerator naturally boost brain function, improving circulation and oxygenation while delivering a sensation of refreshing clarity.* Whether you want to sharpen your mind, adapt more easily to stress, or simply walk into a room and remember why you’re there, Mental Accelerator Tri-Essence® Power Blend offers a natural way to enhance your cognitive abilities and enjoy a clearer, more focused state of mind.* By supporting brain health on multiple levels, this blend helps you stay alert, clear-headed, and mentally agile, allowing you to fully engage with the world around you.*

Safe, easy, AND portable: Mental Energizer Roll-On Relief®

Click here to learn more about Mental Energizer

Mental Energizer Roll-On Relief® is your go-to solution for clearing brain fog and revitalizing your mind during those mid-afternoon slumps.* This USDA Certified Organic blend is designed to stimulate memory function, enhance mental clarity, and energize your brain with powerful essential oils like Peppermint and Ginger, which snap you out of mental haze.* The refreshing aromas of Lemon and Lime further invigorate your senses, promoting mental sharpness and concentration.*

When you’re feeling sluggish or unfocused, take a moment to identify where your energy is draining from your body — whether it’s your mind, arms, or legs — and apply this Roll-On Relief® directly to those areas, as well as your temples, pulse points, and under your nose. This targeted application provides immediate relief and brings your body into harmony with your mind.* The cooling sensation and aromatic oils deliver a nearly instant wake-up call, helping you feel refreshed and alert.*

Lime has a sweet, candy-like aroma adds a calming effect while reducing mental fatigue, and Lemon’s energizing properties boost mental clarity and act as a natural antidepressant.* Peppermint and Ginger work together to stimulate the hippocampus, enhancing memory and cognitive function.* This blend is particularly favored by students and professionals for its ability to provide an instant mental edge.

By incorporating Mental Energizer Roll-On Relief® into your daily routine, you’ll develop a deeper awareness of your body’s energy needs, creating a more harmonious relationship between your mind and body.* Whether you're tackling a long day at work or recovering from a sleepless night, this blend is designed to deliver fast, effective relief exactly where you need it, leaving you clear-headed, focused, and ready to take on the day.*

Teacher’s best friend: Mental Energizer Synergy Blend

Click here to learn more about Mental Energizer

Mental Energizer Synergy Blend features the same powerful blend as Mental Energizer Roll-On Relief® but is specially formulated for dilution or diffusion, making it ideal for enhancing focus in larger spaces like classrooms, offices, or living rooms. Whether you’re looking to bring clarity to an entire room or to support concentration in specific areas, Mental Energizer is the perfect solution. It can also be diluted up to 2-3% (10-15 drops per tablespoon of carrier oil) in any carrier oil for topical application, typically to the forehead, to provide a cooling effect that sharpens mental clarity.*

This USDA Certified Organic blend clears mental "cobwebs," increases alertness, and energizes the brain with its refreshing mix of LemonLimePeppermint, and Ginger Essential Oils.* The citrusy aroma, complemented by the stimulating effects of Peppermint and Ginger, creates a powerful sensation of freshness and mental clarity.* Lime delivers a soothing yet invigorating effect, while Lemon functions as a natural antidepressant, enhancing energy and mental clarity.* Lastly, both Lemon and Peppermint activate the hippocampus, supporting memory and cognitive function, with Ginger providing an additional boost to mental stimulation.*

Whether used in a diffuser to uplift a room or applied topically to enhance personal focus, Mental Energizer is a versatile tool for anyone needing an edge in their mental performance.* This blend is highly valued by students, parents, and professionals for its ability to provide an immediate boost in clarity and alertness.* Safe for most users, though pregnant women should avoid use; Mental Energizer is a non-toxic, non-irritating way to keep your mind sharp and focused.*

Final thoughts from Dr. Streicher and Amrita’s experts

As the back-to-school season is here, it's essential to ensure you and your children’s focus and energy levels are at their best. Amrita's range of Mental Accelerators offers tailored solutions to support peak mental performance, whether you're a student, parent, or professional. The Mental Accelerator Tri-Essence® Power Blend provides sustained mental clarity through increased oxygen flow to the brain, making it ideal for long study sessions or demanding workdays.* For quick, on-the-go relief from mental fatigue, the Mental Energizer Roll-On Relief® delivers an instant boost of energy, perfect for tackling mid-day slumps.* Meanwhile, the Mental Energizer Synergy Blend, designed for dilution or diffusion, enhances concentration in larger spaces like classrooms and offices.*

Each of these carefully crafted blends helps you stay sharp, energized, and clear-headed, ensuring that mental fog and lethargy don’t hinder your productivity.* Whether you need sustained focus, immediate relief, or a focused environment, Amrita has a solution to meet your needs.* With these tools at your disposal, you and your children can confidently embrace the new school year, knowing mental clarity and focus are fully supported every step of the way.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.