Taking Essential Oils Internally
Apr 21st 2021
Posted by Amrita Aromatherapy
Anthony Z. Asks:
I see a couple Essential Oil Companies that advise people to use their Essential Oils internally. They also argue that their oils are the only "Therapeutic Grade" on the market. I am unaware of Any agency that regulates or tests for any such grade. I'd like to hear your thoughts on this matter.
Dr. Streicher Answers:
Dear Anthony,
Taking essential oils internally has been a medicinal healing modality for a long time, particularly in France where aromatherapy is almost exclusively in the hands of medical doctors. To prescribe essential oils internally requires a good amount of medical expertise and knowledge of essential oil safety. If this is not present, it is not advisable. It is therefore not advisable that essential oil companies make general recommendations for internal use.
"Therapeutic Grade" is a buzzword in the industry. When you ask what they actually mean by that, and what specifically makes an essential oil therapeutic, there is hardly ever a clear answer.
The following links may be helpful:
What to Look For in Essential Oils
Best wishes,
Christoph Streicher, PhD
Original Published: 2014-12-10 / Last Modified: 2021-10-11