This or That: Which essential oils are perfect for focus?
Oct 19th 2023
Posted by Dr. Christoph Streicher and Chase F.
“Information has always been a source of power, but it is now increasingly a source of confusion.” This quote is from famed scholar, Harold Wilensky, who points out a universal truth of our modern era, commonly known as “The Information Age.” The exponential pace of technological progress has enabled most of us to access overwhelming amounts of information: some useful, some not so much. It has become more and more difficult to determine what information is true and/or relevant. It also seems impossible nowadays to avoid distraction from an eternal flow of emails, advertisements, social media updates, news, entertainment, and so much more.
Information overload, however, is not a new problem. In fact, this article’s opening quote was originally published in 1967--over 50 years ago. Wilensky was describing an age in which people had never even heard of the 24-hour news cycle, cable TV, internet, social media, or artificial intelligence—yet the problem of information overload seemed just as real then as it seems now. Different quotes throughout history confirm that virtually every generation of people since the invention of books has found themselves overwhelmed by their “unprecedented” amount of access to information. Consistent revolutions in communications technology have certainly led to great achievements for humanity but have come at the cost of at least one human attribute: our ability to focus.
Even if one manages to stay “on task” there is simply such a large amount of accessible information that it’s difficult to sort through it all. Fortunately, people have managed throughout history to discover a range of natural substances which can help the brain remain focused, efficient, and adaptable--even as a seemingly unnatural number of information outlets become more varied and complex.* Amrita Aromatherapy offers a range of essential oil products that demonstrate such mentally enhancing abilities.* This article intends to highlight some of the most popular and effective essential oil products available today for assisting the brain with focus, alertness, concentration, memory, and clarity.*
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What are some essential oils that can help with focus? What sets them apart?
The main focus of this article will be four essential oil sources known to directly stimulate the hippocampus, a sensitive segment of the brain deep in the temporal lobe, which is crucial for learning, memory, emotions, and more.* These oils include Basil, Lemon, Peppermint, and Rosemary. Also mentioned will be two pre-blended products which are specifically configured to assist in healthy and efficient brain function, including Mental Energizer Synergy Blend and Mental Accelerator Tri-Essence Blend. While all of these options are highly regarded for their abilities to stimulate the hippocampus, each offers distinctly different traits and/or application methods.*
Basil: Sweet Linalool, Holy, and Tropical
Amrita offers multiple varieties of Basil Essential Oil products. Each one is known to help stimulate mental activity, but they also contain notable differences.* Basil, as a whole, is held in high regard for its ability to fight migraines, headaches, symptoms associated with cold or flu, and much more.* These traits, along with a spectrum of available varieties, make Basil a flexible option for assisting mental activity in a varied number of ways.
- Basil Sweet Linalool (Ocimum basilicum): Of the three Basil varieties, Basil Sweet Linalool Essential Oil is generally recommended for improving mental focus — especially when combating feelings of grogginess and lack of focus.* One reason for this is its appealingly fresh, spicy, and especially warming aroma, but also it is the mildest and most gentle of the Basils. Of all the Basil varieties, this one may be ideal for someone who does not lack energy but craves a more focused, less scattered state of mind.* It is also the only variety of Basil recommended for topical use on the skin, which means it could be diluted and rubbed onto the temples to achieve direct stimulation to the hippocampus.* And of course, its diffused aromatic essence is cordially effective at achieving the same goal.*
- Holy Basil (Ocimum sanctum): This variety is a slightly different species than the other two but offers many similar benefits. Notable differences, however, include a more stimulating effect than Basil Sweet Linalool as well as a potent aroma which is warmer than its other Basil relatives.* Holy Basil Essential Oil is perhaps best suited for those who crave a significant boost to their overall mental energy, perhaps due to fatigue, depression, or jet lag.* Unfortunately, Holy Basil contains potentially sensitizing compounds which means it is NOT recommended for topical use (on the skin).*
- Tropical Basil (Ocimum basilicum): This variety is distinctly different from Sweet Linalool even as they share the same botanical name. It is the most stimulating of the three Basil oil varieties, and also possesses a stronger, more camphoraceous/medicinal aroma.* In regard to mental function, Basil Tropical Essential Oil is perhaps best suited for tackling distracting ailments such as fatigue and symptoms of cold or flu.* Due to its content of methyl-chavicol, which can be toxic in high doses, Tropical Basil is unavailable in the state of California. It is also NOT recommended for topical application (on the skin).*
Lemon (Yellow), Lemon Spatafora, and Peppermint
Amrita offers multiple varieties of Lemon products, but this article will highlight the two which are most suitable for enhancing focus, concentration, and mental stamina: Lemon Essential Oil and Lemon Spatafora Essential Oil.* Much like the varieties of Basil, each version of Lemon is highly regarded for its ability to stimulate the mind while also exhibiting distinct characteristics.* Its highly recognizable, fresh, citrusy aroma is known to uplift and rejuvenate the nervous system.* It works especially well for those trying to elevate the mind and the mood simultaneously.* Additionally, Lemon can provide benefits to the respiratory, circulatory, and immune systems.*
- Lemon Essential Oil (Yellow, Citrus limonum): Perhaps one of the most popular oils in all of aromatherapy, Lemon Essential Oil is certainly no slouch when it comes to boosting mental activity. Cold-pressed from the peel of the fruit, a powerful essential oil is created which can uplift and energize the mind by specifically stimulating the hippocampus while also serving many other functions.* Some examples of its other actions include decongestant, antidepressant, bactericidal, antiseptic, fever reducer, antispasmodic, cooling, and many more. To accentuate Lemon’s ability to stimulate mental activity, apply a properly diluted dose topically to the temples or enjoy its diffused aromatic essence.*
- Lemon Spatafora Essential Oil (Citrus medica): This particular species is an impressive hybrid of Lemon and Citron. Lemon Spatafora is sourced from Sicily, and while it bears much resemblance to its relative, Lemon, it manages to set itself apart. Somehow, its fruit tastes even more sour than lemon while it contains a much more fibrous, superfluous amount of rind material. Regarding its benefits to the nervous system, users will find that Lemon Spatafora Essential Oil has a tangier aroma which is even more stimulating and energetic than traditional Lemon, while simultaneously sharing in most of its other qualities.* On the other hand, it is also more potentially sensitizing to the skin and more phototoxic than Lemon.* To accentuate its ability to stimulate mental activity, apply a properly diluted dose topically to the temples or enjoy its diffused aromatic essence.*
Peppermint is one of the world's most widely recognized, celebrated, and versatile essential oils. Its invigoratingly fresh, sharp, sweet, minty aroma can help bring mental clarity and focus as it helps combat “brain fog.”* It does this not only through aromatic stimulation, but by chemically encouraging healthy blood supply to the brain and specifically stimulating the hippocampus.*
Peppermint can also help the digestive system on a number of different levels.* It soothes nausea, deters cramps and colonic spasms, and relieves flatulence.* These effects also translate into relief from other uncomfortable ailments such as motion sickness, gall bladder inflammation, menstrual / menopausal cramps, and GI tract issues.* All in all, this combination of benefits is stunningly effective--not only for promoting mental clarity and focus, but for eliminating a whole host of other distracting conditions.*
- Peppermint Essential Oil (Mentha piperita): As discussed above, Peppermint is extremely diverse in its range of therapeutic benefits. When viewing Amrita’s Peppermint Essential Oil through the lens of mental clarity and focus, it is certainly one of the most trusted remedies ever offered by nature.* As it has somewhat stimulating effects, it is a great way to start the day but not necessarily the ideal choice for use around bedtime. Perhaps what sets it apart the most from others in this article is its amazing range of benefits for the whole body, not just the brain. Anyone suffering from a combination of brain fog and any other type of discomfort would be well-served to check this one out.* To accentuate its ability to promote mental clarity and focus, apply a properly diluted dose topically to the temples or enjoy its aromatic essence.*
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Rosemary: Verbenone, 1.8 Cineole, and Camphor Borneol
Amrita offers several Rosemary Essential Oils, but for this article, let’s focus on their ability to assist the brain in efficient and healthy functioning.* As do all the other oils listed in this article, Rosemary directly stimulates the hippocampus—a crucial piece of the brain function motherboard.* Each variety comes from the same species of plant but exhibits traits which are distinct from the others—some of the differences being subtle, while others are more obvious. Some are more stimulating than others, some offer cooling effects while others are warming, and some even contain impressive bonus benefits like deterrence of hair loss.*
- Rosemary Verbenone (Rosmarinus officinalis): This variety is regarded to be the gentlest and most soothing of all the Rosemary varieties. Rosemary Verbenone Essential Oil has an aroma which is balsamic, herbal, and dry. Though it demonstrates many similarities to its other Rosemary relatives, it is best used to stimulate the liver which helps filter all of the blood in the body breaking down poisonous substances.* Surprisingly, this Rosemary also gives benefits to the respiratory system, digestive system, and spleen.* Rosemary Verbenone additionally demonstrates anti-inflammatory actions which is why it is mainly used to stimulate the liver.* Surprisingly, this Rosemary also gives benefits to the respiratory system, digestive system, and spleen.* On top of these qualities, it can be used for haircare applications and even for prevention of hair loss.* And of course, it wouldn’t be included in this article if it wasn’t known to help mental focus and concentration.* To accentuate its benefits to the brain, simply apply a properly diluted dose topically to the temples or enjoy its aromatic essence.*
- Rosemary Camphor Borneol (Rosmarinus officinalis): This variety of Rosemary is the most stimulating to your circulatory system.* Its herbal aroma is similar to the others, but more penetrating into your tissues than the others. Rosemary Camphor Borneol Essential Oil provides effects which are more warming than the other varieties of Rosemary, making it perfect for tackling symptoms associated with cold, such as arthritic joints or lack of circulation.* This variety is best suited to people who consistently suffer from fatigue or depression.* Those who often wake up on “the wrong side of the bed” may find that Rosemary Camphor Borneol is the ideal choice to help obtain much-needed motivation for embarking on a day’s work and thriving through it energetically.* To accentuate its benefits to the brain, simply apply a properly diluted dose topically to the temples or enjoy its aromatic essence.*
- Rosemary Cineol 1.8 (Rosmarinus officinalis): This variety of Rosemary effects the majority of your nervous system.* This stimulation similarly helps to encourage mental focus and clarity but takes an even more active role in promoting blood flow and clearing the lungs.* Its aroma is described as sharply herbal, heating, and slightly reminiscent of Eucalyptus.* Like the Verbenone variety, Rosemary Cineol 1.8 exhibits a stimulating effect to counteract symptoms associated with overheating.* It can also help to deter hair loss, and you just might find that the 1.8 Cineol variety of Rosemary has carved out the perfect niche for your needs.* To accentuate its benefits to the brain, simply apply a properly diluted dose topically to the temples or enjoy its aromatic essence.*
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Essential Oil Blends
While there are too many essential oil varieties discussed in this article to suggest DIY blends for each of them, it should be noted that Amrita offers two pre-blended products dedicated to assisting with cognitive focus, alertness, and concentration.* A wealth of knowledge has been applied to creating these blends which perfectly balance the aromas and effects of multiple ingredients to produce maximal results for brain health and function.*
- Mental Energizer Synergy Blend: This blend contains ingredients Lemon Organic Essential Oil and Peppermint Organic Essential Oil, which have been discussed already in this article for their highly regarded effects on the brain.* Additionally, it contains Lime Organic Essential Oil and Ginger Organic Essential Oil which are also known to help stimulate the mind, as well as perfectly complement the other contents aromatically and synergistically.*
- Mental Accelerator Tri-Essence Power Blend: This comprehensive blend supports healthy brain function on all three levels: Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual.* It contains a scientifically engineered bouquet of active ingredients including herbal extracts (Ginkgo, Gotu Kola, Schizandra, Holy Basil, Peppermint, and Rosemary), essential oils (Rosemary Verbenone, Sweet Basil Linalool, and Peppermint), and Flower Essences (Peppermint, Madia, and Morning Glory). What’s more is that this blend is ingestible which makes for an easy-to-use remedy that is trustworthy and effective, as it was engineered by Amrita’s Dr. Christoph Streicher himself.*
Final Thoughts from the Amrita Team…
The struggle against information overload has been compounding exponentially for thousands of years. Luckily, humanity has managed to match this problem blow-for-blow by constantly seeking out newer, more effective remedies for enhancing the brain’s capacity to keep up with an ever-increasing list of demands.* The aromatherapy industry plays a highly significant role in this struggle nowadays as more and more people seek natural ways of enhancing concentration and focus while understandably trying to avoid potentially harmful and addictive pharmaceutical stimulants.*
Hopefully, this article provides some insight into some of Amrita’s products which can be crucial allies in the pursuit of mental efficiency.* Since 1989, Amrita has not only been a trusted provider of the highest-quality essential oil products available but has been educating its customers about the complex range of natural remedies at their disposal.* So, if you want to think more clearly and efficiently, with more focus and stamina, don’t hesitate to put this knowledge to use!* The ideal remedy for your individual needs is ready, willing, and able to assist you through today’s modern labyrinth of informational overload!*
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.