Cajuput Organic Essential Oil


Product Code: EO3175

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Other Names
Cajeput, Melaleuca Minor, Swamp Tea Tree, and White Tee Tree
Farming Method
Certified Organic
Plant Part
Country of Origin
Application Method
Diffusion, Inhalation, Massage, and Topical
Scientific Name
Melaleuca cajuputi
Extraction Method
Steam Distilled

About the Plant:

Caju-Puti is the Malaysian way of saying Cajuput, and the word literally means “White Wood”. This tall and charming evergreen tree distinctively bears white, sponge-like bark and proudly displays pointed, flat green leaves decorated with clusters of fragrant, white flowers.

Due to its resistance to mildew, the bark of this extraordinary plant has been used in a wide variety of applications ranging from hut building, underground oven lining, canoe making, and insulation of cold storage rooms. Cajuput oil is extracted from the leaves of the plant and should not be confused with cajuputum which is an edible compound often consumed in pellet form.

Where It Grows:

Cajuput is native to Eastern Australia and surrounding islands, including Papua New Guinea. It is also grown in portions of Africa, Asia, South America, as well as throughout the southern United States. Cajuput generally makes its home in plains, swamps, and estuaries because it can tolerate some salt.

Traditional Uses and Lore:

The lovely leaves of the cajuput tree were discovered by ancient peoples to emit a powerful essence when crushed. Traditionally, the essence from these leaves was considered to act as an important alleviator for colds, infections, muscle pain, and to expel roundworm.*

Other noted benefits have included its aiding of users to create perspiration, which has an obvious cooling effect, as well as the possible eradication of flatulence!* Cajuput has also been known to exhibit calming and purifying qualities by a wide range of users over time.* The Cajuput tree is so elegant and charming to look at that in parts of Asia it is often planted for decorative purposes; notably lining the sidewalks of Hong Kong and also lending itself as a beautiful subject for artwork. Additionally, it has been utilized in culinary settings including flavoring for candy, condiments, baked goods, relishes, and as a base for tea.

Other Facts:

      • Scent: Sweet, Sharp, Camphorous, and Fresh with a Slight Fruity Aroma
      • Fragrance Note: Middle Note
      • Composition: Cineole 1.8, Limonene, and α-Terpineol
      • Family: Myrtaceae Family

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Cajuput Organic Essential Oil is commonly used as an antiseptic, but it is also remarkably helpful for headaches, tooth pain, joint pain, and other bodily pains.* This Essential Oil is generally applied topically, but can also be diffused and inhaled — especially when you are wanting to energize your mind, body, and spirit!*

Cajuput Essential Oil has also been regarded as one of the best for aiding and supporting the lungs.* When diffused, it opens the bronchi to ease the symptoms associated with colds, flu, and even bronchitis.* When applied topically, it can give relief to tightness in the chest from congestion.*

Cajuput has been used since the 17th century, at which time was obtained from the (then) Dutch territory of the Moluccas. The medicinally scented Cajuput or "Cajeput" belongs to the same group of Essential Oils as Tea Tree and is similar to Eucalyptus, with 1.8 cineol being the predominant compound. Cajuput also offers a higher concentration of 1.8 cineol than that of Tea Tree, which could make it more appropriate for certain people’s needs, while offering a lower concentration of 1.8 cineol than that of most Eucalyptus oils, creating a perfect niche between its “plant cousins”.

Topical Application (for use on the skin):

  • Targeted Topical Application: Make a dilution blend of up to 2-3% in any carrier oil (10-15 drops per tablespoon of carrier oil). Apply a small portion of this blend, do not exceed 10 drops per application per day, to affected areas for the following:
    • Resipratiory System:
      • Helps Keep Airways Clear
      • Aids Healthy Lung Function
      • Reduces Throat Tickles and Pain
    • Integumentary System (Skin / Hair):
      • Relief for Cuts, Scrapes, and Abrasions
      • Helps Regulate Oil Levels in Hair
      • Deters Bug Bites
    • Musculoskeletal System:
      • Helps Relax Tense Muscles
      • Soothes Aching Joints
      • Promotes Healthy Circulation


  • Whole Body Massage: Dilute up to 1-2% in any carrier oil, or to skin and hair products (5-10 drops per tablespoon of carrier oil) for the following:
    • Resipratiory System:
      • Helps Keep Airways Clear
      • Aids Healthy Lung Function
      • Reduces Throat Tickles and Pain
    • Musculoskeletal System:
      • Helps Relax Tense Muscles
      • Soothes Aching Joints
      • Promotes Healthy Circulation


Diffusion / Inhalation (add a few drops to a nebulizer or nasal inhaler):

    • Resipratiory System:
      • Helps Keep Airways Clear
      • Aids Healthy Lung Function
      • Reduces Throat Tickles and Pain


Blends Well With:


Safety Precautions:

    • Certified Organic Cajuput Essential Oil is non-toxic and non-sensitizing.*
      • It may be a skin irritant in high concentrations.*
      • Dilute properly before using.
      • Remember to use sparingly.
    • Never allow the Essential Oil to come into contact with mucus membranes.*

General Safety Precautions:

  • Use Essential Oils only in diluted form on the skin and never internally.
  • Always be careful when using Essential Oils with children.
  • Give them only low doses, or better, consult a qualified aromatherapy expert before using.
  • Use Essential Oils with care and only under the proper guidance of an expert while pregnant or if you have liver damage, epilepsy, cancer, or other serious health problems.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Cajuput Oil belongs to the same family as that of Tea Tree. It’s known for its lingering camphorous scent that simultaneously provides warming and cooling sensations similar to Eucalyptus. Cajuput has been colloquially regarded as a wonderful relief for colds and removing mucous.* It is also excellent as a muscle rub, insect deterrent, and headache reliever.* The greatest advantage over Eucalyptus is that its 1.8 cineol content is much lower, usually around 50%, which makes it much milder and more suitable for children.*

Cajuput Essential Oil possesses a top note that is popular during the winter months because of its stimulating, camphoraceous aroma. Cajuput is a good addition to DIY outdoor body sprays. It has a sweet, fruity middle note. Steam distilled from Melaleuca leucadendra has a somewhat fruity scent when compared to similar oils like Tea Tree or camphor, and is comparatively pungent. Cajuput can act as a nice complement to DIY outdoor body sprays.*

Being from the same family as Tea Tree Essential Oil, Cajuput is chock-full of beneficial properties. Cajuput can help energize and improve your mood.* It is also an ideal candidate to have on hand when seasonal illnesses attack.* Supporting a healthy respiratory system, Cajuput will have you bouncing back in no time!* Use it to help alleviate sore muscles and joints, relieve cramping during menstruation, and soothe skin that has been bitten by pesky bugs or afflicted with burns, scrapes, or cuts.* This oil is a must-have for its incredible therapeutic properties!*

The following is a list of conditions which Cajuput Essential Oil addresses by category:

  • Respiratory System:
    • Helps Keep Airways Clear
    • Aids Healthy Lung Function
    • Reduces Throat Tickles and Pain
  • Integumentary System (Skin / Hair):
    • Relief for Cuts, Scrapes, and Abrasions
    • Helps Regulate Oil Levels in Hair
    • Deters Bug Bites
  • Musculoskeletal System:
    • Helps Relax Tense Muscles
    • Soothes Aching Joints
    • Promotes Healthy Circulation
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Bottles are filled by volume. Some bottle sizes may not be filled to the top, but do contain the volume of oil specified.

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    • Lot: CBHN
    • Lot: EBIH
    • Lot: EEBCZ
    • Lot: FFBBU

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