Useful Essential Oils
Which essential oils are effective for tendinitis?
Helichrysum has traditionally been used for tendinitis such as tennis elbow. For the greatest effectiveness, dilute it 2% in a penetrating carrier oil (10 drops per tablespoon) before applying it to affected areas.
Learn more about aromatherapy or see our how to use essential oil videos.
About The Condition
What Is Tendinitis?
Tendinitis is considered an inflammation or irritation of a tendon. Tendons are thick cords that attach muscles to bones. There are a number of types of tendinitis. One of these that is well-known is “tennis elbow.” Another is “frozen shoulder.”
You should seek medical attention if you also experience one of more of these:
- A fever over 100 degrees Fahrenheit
- Redness, swelling and warmth
- Multiple sites of pain or if your whole body feels ill
- Inability to move the affected area.
These could be signs of another serious condition that requires more immediate attention.
What Causes Tendinitis?
It can be caused by overuse, repetitive use, from the stress of another condition like arthritis or abnormal bones or joints or sometimes from an infection.
Other Treatments
What Are Conventional Medical Treatments For Tendinitis?
Doctors normally tell you to avoid doing whatever caused your tendinitis. They also recommend rest and applying a covered ice pack on the day of the injury. Some also prescribe over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medications and topical gels. If it doesn’t improve within a week, doctors may advise you to try corticosteroid injections and/or physical therapy exercises and splints. In rare cases, surgery is also recommended.
What Are Alternative Treatments For Tendinitis?Some recommend anti-inflammatory diets – however, what the best diet is varies – and/or taking supplements like Omega-3 fish oils. Eating a healthy organic diet and avoiding sugars, salt, refined foods and fried foods may help. Anti-inflammatory herbs like ginger and turmeric may be useful. Some say that chiropractic treatments, acupuncture or Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy (ESWT) may help. Of course, there are essential oils that many find helpful. See the Useful Essential Oils tab for details.