Lavender Extra French Organic Essential Oil


Product Code: EO4111

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Other Names
Lavandula vera and Lavender Highland
Farming Method
Certified Organic
Plant Part
Flower Tops
Country of Origin
Application Method
Bath, Diffusion, Inhalation, Massage, and Topical
Scientific Name
Lavandula angustifolia / Lavandula officinalis
Extraction Method
Steam Distilled

About the Plant:

Lavender is an evergreen plant that grows to about 3 feet and produces gorgeous lilac-colored flowers. Lavender has green, woody, upright stems that produce abundant blue-violet flowers. To extract the oil, the flowers are put through a steam distillation process.

Where It Grows:

This lavender is native to the Mediterranean region. Lavender is now cultivated in France, Bulgaria, and Kashmir. Dr. Striecher specializes in finding the perfect French Lavender from the most sustainable source in France.

Traditional Uses and Lore:

Treasured around the world for centuries, Lavender gets its name from the Latin word “lavare,” meaning “to wash,” and was used to repel the fleas that carried the plague.* The colorful herb was sought by ancient Romans, who added Lavender to their baths for its antiseptic qualities and lovely aroma. The scent was thought to encourage amorous feelings in men while preserving the chastity of women.* This inspired unmarried girls to sneak Lavender into the pillows of their love interests and hang their damp linens on Lavender bushes to absorb the fragrance.* Not surprisingly, the oil is prized by perfumeries who want to add depth, complexity, and romance to their blends.*

Other Facts:

    • Scent: Sweet, Light, Floral Aroma with Herbal Notes Throughout
    • Fragrance Note: Middle Note
    • Composition: Linalyl Acetate, Linalool, Lavandulol, Lavandulyl Acetate, Terpineol, Cineol, Limonene, Ocimene, and β-Caryophyllene
    • Family: Lamiaceae Family

Dr. Streicher Says:

Lavender is the great universal healer.* It can help with inflammations, burns, bruises, pain, spasms, restlessness, insomnia and many other nervous irritations.* Its potency is decent for most of these conditions.* However, we have an array of different essential oils that are the “specialists”; they can help with only one or two conditions but in an extremely potent way.* Be sure you are always using 100% pure, unadulterated Lavender Oil, as it is one of the most frequently adulterated Essential Oils.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Lavender Extra French Organic Essential Oil is harvested from higher altitudes in Southern France. French Lavender is the finest Lavender available. Due to its pleasing scent and wide range of therapeutic benefits, Lavender is the most popular oil in aromatherapy. This lavender is unique from other lavenders because it helps REM cycle by improving blood circulation.*

This lavender has antimicrobial properties combined with relaxing properties.* This is an ideal oil for many health problems: balances high blood pressure, improves circulation and lymphatic detoxification, eases muscle pain and relaxes the entire system, and promotes sleep and relieves insomnia.*

Amrita endeavors to source lavender with a maximum of 0.5% 1.8 cineol, as higher concentrations make the oil harsh and of lesser therapeutic value.*

Topical Application (for use on the skin):

  • Targeted Topical Application: Make a dilution blend of up to 5% in any carrier oil (25 drops per tablespoon of carrier oil). Apply a small portion of this blend, do not exceed 10 drops per application per day, to affected areas for the following:
    • Endocrine System:
      • Lessens Cramps
      • Eases Symptoms of PMS
    • Musculoskeletal System:
      • Reduces Muscle Soreness and Pain
      • Helps Heal Burns, Cuts, and Scars
    • Circulatory System:
      • Help Balance High Blood Pressure
      • Improves Circulation


  • Whole Body Massage: Dilute up to 2-3% in any carrier oil (10-15 drops per tablespoon of carrier oil) for the following:
    • Endocrine System:
      • Eases Symptoms of PMS
    • Musculoskeletal System:
      • Reduces Muscle Soreness and Pain
    • Nervous System:
      • Reduces Anxiety and Insomnia
      • Alleviates Sleep Disturbances
    • Circulatory System:
      • Improves Circulation
      • Supports Lymphatic Detoxification


  • Aromatic Bath: Dilute up to 5% in bath salts or milk or similar before adding to a full bath for the following:
    • Endocrine System:
      • Eases Symptoms of PMS
    • Musculoskeletal System:
      • Reduces Muscle Soreness and Pain
    • Nervous System:
      • Reduces Anxiety and Insomnia
      • Alleviates Sleep Disturbances
    • Circulatory System:
      • Improves Circulation
      • Supports Lymphatic Detoxification


Diffusion / Inhalation (add a few drops to a nebulizer or nasal inhaler):

  • Nervous System:
    • Reduces Anxiety and Insomnia
    • Alleviates Sleep Disturbances


Blends Well With:


Safety Precautions:

    • Lavender Extra French Organic Essential Oil is generally non-irritating, non-sensitizing, and nontoxic.
      • Be confident you are using true Lavender Oil, as Lavender is one of the most frequently adulterated Essential Oils.

General Safety Precautions:

    • Use Essential Oils only in diluted form on the skin and never internally.
    • Always be careful when using Essential Oils with children.
    • Give them only low doses, or better, consult a qualified aromatherapy expert before using.
    • Also, use Essential Oils with care and only under the proper guidance of an expert while pregnant or if you have liver damage, epilepsy, cancer, or other serious health problems.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

The refreshing, floral scent of Lavender creates a calm, peaceful atmosphere while instilling a sense of well-being. It harmonizes your nervous system with the perfect balance of masculine and feminine qualities.* Lavender is healing, rejuvenating, and cleansing for your skin.* It is well-known for its ability to heal burns, as well as cuts, bruises, insect bites, sore muscles, and scars.* With its mothering energy and soothing aroma, it is the first choice in the relief of insomnia and all stress-related conditions.*

This lavender has antimicrobial properties combined with relaxing properties.* This is an ideal oil for many health problems: balances high blood pressure, improves circulation and lymphatic detoxification, eases muscle pain and relaxes the entire system, and promotes sleep and relieves insomnia.*

Suggestions for this lavender would be:

  • A combination of Lavender and Marjoram for helping with restful sleep.*
  • A combination of Lavender and Clary Sage for lessening cramps and PMS.*

The following is a list of conditions which Lavender Extra French Essential Oil addresses by category:

  • Musculoskeletal System:
    • Reduces Muscle Soreness and Pain
    • Helps Heal Burns, Cuts, and Scars
  • Nervous System:
    • Reduces Anxiety and Insomnia
    • Alleviates Sleep Disturbances
  • Endocrine System:
    • Lessens Cramps
    • Eases Symptoms of PMS
  • Circulatory System:
    • Help Balance High Blood Pressure
    • Improves Circulation
    • Supports Lymphatic Detoxification

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Bottles are filled by volume. Some bottle sizes may not be filled to the top, but do contain the volume of oil specified.

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2 Reviews Hide Reviews Show Reviews

  • 5
    Simply the best.

    Posted by Barb on Mar 19th 2016

    I have been amazed the in the therapeutic results of this Essential Oil. Thanks for the quality and beauty of this remedy.

  • 5
    Sweet note in an earthy blend

    Posted by Dallas D. on Feb 20th 2015

    First: I must say that this lavender alone is exquisite. It smells wonderful. Second: I'm brand new to blending. Using this site as a guide, I blended cypress, clary sage, and lavender. I tried it with equal parts of each, and the lavender was too strong, so I added more cypress and clary sage. The result (when diffused) was soothing and mentally stimulating, with layers of scents, like the tastes of fine food.