Elemi Essential Oil


Product Code: EO3312

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Other Names
Canarium commune and Elemi de Manille
Farming Method
Plant Part
Country of Origin
Application Method
Diffusion, Inhalation, Massage, and Topical
Scientific Name
Canarium luzonicum
Extraction Method
Steam Distilled

About the Plant:

Elemi comes from the resin of the tropical evergreen Elemi tree that can grow to over one hundred feet tall! The colorless to pale yellow, very fluid essential oil is steam-distilled from its resin.

Where it Grows:

Elemi is native to the Philippine Islands and the Moluccas (a group of islands in Indonesia), where it is also cultivated. Amrita® Aromatherapy is proud to receive Elemi Essential Oil from France.

Traditional Lore:

The Arabic meaning for Elemi means “above and below” referring to its spiritual undertones. Ancient Turks and Arabs used elemi in incense and the Egyptians used it for embalming, due to its antiseptic properties.

In the 15th-century, Europeans used Elemi Gum for boosting the immune system, soothing respiratory conditions, stomach aches, and lessening fatigue. Elemi was also used to heal soldiers' broken bones more quickly and painlessly.

  • Soothing to the Emotions
  • Skin Healing
  • Congestion Relieving

Elemi is a light and fresh-smelling essential oil, wonderful for soothing the emotions, cooling the skin, and bringing relief to inflammatory skin conditions. It even helps with healing small cuts and wounds.

Topical Application (for use on the skin):

  • Targeted Topical Application: Make a dilution blend of up to 3-5% in any carrier oil (15-25 drops per tablespoon of carrier oil). Apply a small portion of this blend, do not exceed 10 drops per application per day, to affected areas for the following:
    • Musculoskeletal System:
      • Muscle Aches
      • Muscular Pains
      • Congestion and Coughs
    • Integumentary (Skin) System:
      • Apply with a Cold Compress
        • Wounds / Cuts
        • Inflammation


  • Whole Body Massage: Dilute up to 2% in any carrier oil (10 drops per tablespoon of carrier oil) for the following:
    • Respiratory system:
      • Congestion
      • Bronchitis
      • Coughs
    • Nervous System:
      • Anxiety
      • Stress
      • Nervous Exhaustion


  • Note: for Skin Care Products
    • Dilute up to 2% in an unscented cleanser, lotion, cream, etc. and apply to affected areas for the following:
      • Integumentary (Skin) System:
        • Aged Skin / Wrinkles
        • Acne / Eczema
Diffusion / Inhalation (add a few drops to a nasal inhaler or nebulizer):
  • Respiratory system:
    • Congestion
    • Bronchitis
    • Coughs
  • Nervous System:
    • Anxiety / Stress
    • Calm the Body and Mind
    • Nervous Exhaustion


Blends Well With:



Safety Precautions:

  • Elemi Essential Oil is non-toxic, non-irritating, and non-sensitizing.

General Safety Precautions

  • Use essential oils only in diluted form on the skin and never internally.
  • Always be careful when using essential oils with children.
  • Give them only low doses, or better, consult a qualified aromatherapy expert before using.
  • Also, use essential oils with care and only under the proper guidance of an expert while pregnant or if you have liver damage, epilepsy, cancer, or other serious health problems.

Elemi Essential Oil has a light, garden-fresh, citrusy scent, wonderful for centering and bringing peace to the body. Its bright top note is reminiscent of lemon, while its spicy and sweet bottom note evokes a cooling and soothing walk through the woods. Elemi is sometimes used to accompany a meditation practice because it encourages calmness, peace, compassion, and strength.

The following is a list of conditions which Elemi Essential Oil addresses by category:

  • Integumentary (Skin) System:
    • Aged Skin / Wrinkles
    • Acne / Eczema
    • Inflammations
    • Infected Cuts and Wounds
  • Nervous System:
    • Anxiety
    • Stress
    • Nervous Exhaustion
  • Respiratory system:
    • Congestion
    • Bronchitis
    • Coughs
  • Musculoskeletal System:
    • Muscle Pain
    • Nerve Pain

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