Lavender Spike Organic Essential Oil


Product Code: EO4121

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Other Names
Broadleaved Lavender and Portuguese Lavender
Farming Method
Certified Organic
Plant Part
Flower Tops
Country of Origin
Application Method
Diffusion, Inhalation, Massage, and Topical
Scientific Name
Lavandula latifolia
Extraction Method
Steam Distilled

About the Plant:

Lavender is an evergreen plant that grows to about 3 feet and produces gorgeous lilac-colored flowers. To extract the oil, the flowers are put through a steam distillation process. Spike Lavender Essential Oil has a spicier aroma than other Lavender oils, with warm floral notes. Spike Lavender grows naturally at low altitudes, and true Lavender grows naturally at high altitudes. This difference in growing conditions accounts for the camphor that is found in Spike Lavender and not in the other. Where the growing conditions of these two types of Lavender meet, you can find a wide variety of Lavender hybrids.

Where It Grows:

Cultivated in France, Spike Lavender has camphor-like nuances similar to Eucalyptus and Rosemary underpinned by the tranquil beauty of florals. Spike Lavender inspires peace and calm and also works as an antibacterial and antiseptic.*

Traditional Uses and Lore:

Spike Lavender Essential Oil has been used to treat various ailments since ancient times.* In the middle ages, Spike oil was very expensive and only came in small quantities. Artists used to use this oil in place of turpentine, and it was used by many well-known painters such as the Van Eycks. Cultivation of the plant didn’t begin until around 1925, although it was not as popular as other species of Lavender. Around 1950, the distillation of the plant dwindled and artists went back to using the more economical turpentine.

Other Facts:

      • Scent: Flowery, Sweet, Refreshingly Camphorous, and Slightly-Herbaceous
      • Fragrance Note: Middle Note
      • Composition: Linalool, 1.8-Cineole, Camphor, Borneol, and β-Pinene
      • Family: Lamiaceae Family

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Lavender Spike Organic Essential Oil is a type of Lavender oil that is much better suited for use as an expectorant, to help clear mucus and phlegm, and for easing aches and pains.* Emotionally, Spike Lavender Essential Oil is more energizing and stimulating than true Lavender Essential Oil.* It promotes concentration and focus more than true Lavender Essential Oil does.* Due to it’s high camphor content, Lavender Spike is perfect for massage as it warms and relaxes muscle tissue.*

This Essential Oil fills the air with an incredible aroma, as if you were visiting a spa. A few calming breaths with Lavender Spike and you start feeling like everything is going to be okay.* It’s a bottle of “you’re okay and everything is going to be just fine.”

Topical Application (for use on the skin):

  • Targeted Topical Application: Make a dilution blend of up to 2-4% in any carrier oil (10-20 drops per tablespoon of carrier oil). Apply a small portion of this blend, do not exceed 10 drops per application per day, to affected areas for the following:
    • Musculoskeletal System:
      • Lessens Abdominal Cramping
      • Eases Muscular Aches and Pains
      • Calms Symptoms of Rheumatism and Arthritis
    • Respiratory System:
      • Helps Symptoms of Allergies
      • Relaxes Asthma and Bronchitis


    • Nervous System:
      • Alleviates Headache and Stress-Related Conditions
      • Relieves Depression
      • Eases Dizziness and Vertigo
  • Whole Body Massage: Dilute up to 2% in any carrier oil (10 drops per tablespoon of carrier oil) for the following:
    • Respiratory System:
      • Helps Symptoms of Allergies
      • Relaxes Asthma and Bronchitis
    • Musculoskeletal System:
      • Eases Muscular Aches and Pains
      • Calms Symptoms of Rheumatism and Arthritis
    • Nervous System:
      • Alleviates Headache and Stress-Related Conditions
      • Relieves Depression


Diffusion / Inhalation (add a few drops to a nebulizer or nasal inhaler):

  • Respiratory System:
    • Helps Symptoms of Allergies
    • Relaxes Asthma and Bronchitis
  • Nervous System:
    • Alleviates Headache and Stress-Related Conditions
    • Relieves Depression
    • Eases Dizziness and Vertigo


Blends Well With:


Safety Precautions:

    • Lavender Spike Organic Essential Oil may be mildly neurotoxic based on camphor content.
    • Keep away from children.

General Safety Precautions:

    • Use Essential Oils only in diluted form on the skin and never internally.
    • Always be careful when using Essential Oils with children.
      • Give them only low doses, or better, consult a qualified aromatherapy expert before using.
    • Also, use Essential Oils with care and only under the proper guidance of an expert while pregnant or if you have liver damage, epilepsy, cancer, or other serious health problems.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Generally speaking, true Lavender Essential Oil is best suited for use in calming anxiety and stress or promoting sleep.* Spike Lavender Essential Oil, on the other hand, is much better suited for use as an expectorant and for easing aches and pains.*

Emotionally, Spike Lavender Essential Oil is more energizing and stimulating than true Lavender Essential Oil.* It promotes concentration and focus more than Lavender Essential Oil does.* Spike Lavender Essential Oil possesses usage applications similar to that of traditional Lavender Oil. However, its greater percentage of the constituent camphor gives it stronger analgesic and expectorant properties.* Due to its high camphor content, Lavender Spike is perfect for massage as it warms and relaxes muscle tissue.*

It is a better choice to ease headaches or use as an expectorant in the diffuser.* Diluted for topical use, it can be used to help ease aches, pains or the discomfort associated with arthritis.* It is also effective in repelling insects.*

Spike Lavender oil is also used throughout the fragrance industry: specifically soap making. Popular in perfumery, it blends well with patchouli, petitgrain, rosemary, or cedarwood.

Note: Spike lavender shouldn't be used on cuts, burns, or wounds.

The following is a list of conditions which Lavender Spike Essential Oil addresses by category:

  • Musculoskeletal System:
    • Lessens Abdominal Cramping
    • Eases Muscular Aches and Pains
    • Calms Symptoms of Rheumatism / Arthritis
  • Nervous System:
    • Alleviates Headache / Stress-Related Conditions
    • Relieves Depression
    • Eases Dizziness / Vertigo
  • Respiratory System:
    • Helps Symptoms of Allergies
    • Relaxes Asthma / Bronchitis

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Bottles are filled by volume. Some bottle sizes may not be filled to the top, but do contain the volume of oil specified.

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1 Review Hide Reviews Show Reviews

  • 5
    Great for nap time

    Posted by Michelle W. on Oct 24th 2017

    Excellent oil during nap time. Diffuse it daily, wonderful aroma and allows for peaceful sleep.